This might surprise you, but I actually read books before I started blogging (GASP!). I haven’t reviewed a lot of my favorites on here (…I may remedy that some day), so in an attempt to expose you to some other really awesome books, here are some of my favorite books that I read before I started the blog.

1. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

I’ve mentioned this book (and series) several times on this blog, however, I haven’t actually reviewed it. I LOVED this series, and actually plan on doing a re-read in the fall. If that happens, I’ll be sure to post a review.  This series gives you vampires, witches, daemons, magic, and MORE. What else do you need? 

2. What is the What by Dave Eggers

what is the what

Holy hell emotions. This book is about a life story about Sudanese man who was forced to flee his village as a child. The story is technically a true account of his life, but I do think they categorize it as fiction since some artistic license was taken. That being said, it’s an incredibly moving and heartbreaking novel, and I would recommend it to anyone. 

3. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

I love when massive books feel short, because they’re so good. This is one of them! It takes place in the middle ages and covers a huge expanse of time. IT IS FANTASTIC and has everything you need in a fun read. I’ve recommended to so many people (who have all loved it). If you won’t take my word for it, take Oprah’s. She made this her Book Club book one year, and that’s saying a lot!

4. The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker

the golem and the jinni

This is a sneak-attack favorite book. It starts off a bit slow-paced, and you do a lot of wondering about where the story is going to go. But the ending is super rewarding, and I found myself falling more in love with the book with each page turn. It’s definitely a book that simmers at first, but by the end you’ll love it!

5. Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

into thin air

I’m sorry, but is there someone who HASN’T loved this book that has read it? It’s the most intense shit you’ll ever read! I don’t even like mountain climbing and this one had me on the edge of my seat (to this day I still have nightmares about Mount Everest). This book is thrilling and exciting and horrifying all in one, and it’s HANDS DOWN the best non-fiction I’ve ever read.

6. Dracula by Bram Stoker

UGH I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. This one obviously needs no explanation, since who hasn’t heard of Dracula? If you haven’t read it, I would highly recommend that you do! It’s so wonderfully terrifying. I’m hoping to do a re-read in October, but we’ll see…

7. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier 

This is a retelling of the Six Swans story collected by the Brothers Grimm. It made me feel all of the emotions! Plus, it has a good, slow-burn love story (which are always my favorite!).

8. A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

This is the first children’s classic I read. Period. Yes, people, I did not read any children’s classics as a child. I read this one last year, and OH MY GOSH I adored it. I felt this whole new world of magic open before me. Now I’m slowly getting caught up on all my children’s classics. While I love a lot of them, A Little Princess holds a very special place in my heart.

9. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

the poisonwood bible

This book was a requirement for one of my high school classes. I loved it at the time, and when I re-read it maybe 4-5 years ago, I loved it all the same. Such an intense story about family and religious devotion. Even though it wasn’t always the most happy story, I found it such a fantastic escape. It was a setting that I wanted to return to over and over again. 


What are some of your old favorites? Any stand-bys that you go to when you need to disappear in a favorite book?