I got my very first OwlCrate (or those that don’t know: a monthly, young adult book subscription box) last month, and it was simply marvelous! The theme was “royalty,” and the book inside was My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. I decided that nothing could be better than doing a combination book review and unboxing post! AM I RIGHT or AM I RIGHT?
I seriously could not wait to open the box. I’m pretty sure I was salivating with anticipation. Here’s what was inside:
1. Mystery Disney mini Funko. I got one of my all-time favorite princesses: ARIEL (!!!).
2. A Rich Love Shoppe bracelet with a perfect quote from the fantasy novel, Cinder: “Even in the future the story begins with once upon a time.”
3. Lovely royal magnetic bookmarks from Crafted Van.
4. An awesome print by Evie Bookish with a quote from the fantasy novel, Red Queen: “Words can lie. See beyond them.”
5. And finally the book (which came with a note from the authors)!! My Lady Jane is a retelling of Lady Jane Grey’s life as royalty (and what happens after), and it combines fantasy, history, comedy, and romance. See below for my thoughts on the novel.
My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows
Published by HarperTeen on June 7th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Pages: 491
Format: Hardback
Edward (long live the king) is the King of England. He’s also dying, which is inconvenient, as he’s only sixteen and he’d much rather be planning for his first kiss than considering who will inherit his crown…
Jane (reads too many books) is Edward’s cousin, and far more interested in books than romance. Unfortunately for Jane, Edward has arranged to marry her off to secure the line of succession. And there’s something a little odd about her intended…
Gifford (call him G) is a horse. That is, he’s an Eðian (eth-y-un, for the uninitiated). Every day at dawn he becomes a noble chestnut steed—but then he wakes at dusk with a mouthful of hay. It’s all very undignified.
The plot thickens as Edward, Jane, and G are drawn into a dangerous conspiracy. With the fate of the kingdom at stake, our heroes will have to engage in some conspiring of their own. But can they pull off their plan before it’s off with their heads?
I had been seeing this book around the book blogosphere for the past few months and hadn’t considered reading it until it arrived in my OwlCrate. I am so happy it did!
The synopsis on Goodreads really sums it up perfectly: The comical, fantastical, romantical, (not) entirely true story of Lady Jane Grey. In My Lady Jane, coauthors Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows have created a one-of-a-kind fantasy in the tradition of The Princess Bride, featuring a reluctant king, an even more reluctant queen, a noble steed, and only a passing resemblance to actual history—because sometimes history needs a little help.
My Lady Jane combines everything: history (sort of), romance, comedy, magic (which you may initially think stupid but proves to be absurdly perfect) and adventure. The novel is a light-hearted and easy read that you’ll certainly enjoy if the above synopsis appeals to you in any way. It’s also worth mentioning that the narrators are fantastic in the novel: interjecting and spoiling as they see fit.
I enjoyed the reading experience greatly. I would recommend this book to anyone who wanted a quick and easy, sit back, relax, and chuckle a bit sort of book.

Have you read My Lady Jane? Thoughts? Did you receive an OwlCrate this month? Do you subscribe to any fun boxes I should know about (there’s so many to choose from!)?
Get My Lady Jane here: Amazon. Barnes & Noble. The Book Depository.

A. S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger (at “the bandar blog”) to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available now wherever books are sold.
Emily | RoseRead
This book was in this month’s Uppercase, too! Excited to read it!
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Yes! I saw that it was in at least one other (maybe another one, too?)! I hope you enjoy it. It’s so light and easy to read! (:
I love the Ariel Funko! Ariel is my all time FAVEEE. Thank you for remembering to send me this. I really like the sounds of this novel and since it got 4 stars I am certainly going to have to read it now.
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Ariel is my favorite, too! 😀 Yay mermaids! I hope that you enjoy the book whenever you get around to it!
Rita @ View From My Books
What a fun gift box! I don’t belong to any box subscriptions, but my daughter belongs to some kind of gaming type and her family enjoys it very much. I will now have to check this book out further, for when I feel like a light-hearted read. Thanks.
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Oooooh a gaming box?! As in board games or video games? I would super interested to hear what the box is if you ever find out!
I also subscribe to OwlCrate and I was happy with this month’s box. I don’t think I would’ve picked up this book on my own because I don’t normally read historical fiction, but I’m glad it was in the box. That’s cool you got Ariel. I got Cinderella who is my favorite Disney princess. I was really happy with it. Nice pictures. I meant to write my post but forgot to take the pictures. They never turn out right.
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Yes definitely I would not have read this book if it hadn’t come with this month’s box, but now I’m super pleased I did (: A lot of people got their favorite princess with their funko – how lucky for all of us 😀 😀
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
Aw the box is SO cute! If I wasn’t poor, I would love to subscribe to one of them ? Maybe one day hahah. I love all the little “extras” that come inside, too. Surprises are fun!
My Lady Jane looks really good too. I love love LOVE that it is historical AND funny, because that is such a rare combination! I am going to have to get my hands on it soon for sure. Glad you enjoyed it- and all the great stuff in the OwlCrate!!
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Lol – being poor is the worst! I’m toeing the line (and then I do dumb things like subscribe to various boxes…)! It’s definitely a fun read so if you’re ever looking for something light, I’d recommend it!
Resh Susan @ The Book Satchel
This looks exciting. Hope you enjoy reading through as well
Kat Impossible
Awe, I love Ariel! You got such a great mystery mini!!!
Also, the pictures you took look absolutely amazing 😀 You are getting next month’s box as well, right?
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Yes! I signed up for a 6-month subscription starting with this box, and I’m so glad I did! It’s going to be like Christmas every month!!
Kat Impossible
That’s so cool! I wish I could afford doing this for 6 months. So awesome though! I hear they have lots of special things planned for the rest of the year.
Ahh this seems SO COOL! I can’t wait to subscribe to boxes someday xD
Ali (@thebandarblog)
They’re so much fun. I had been hemming and hawing about it, and I’m so glad I’ve finally subscribed!
Alise (Readers in Wonderland)
Like you, I’ve also seen this one floating around! I’m glad it was a good read for you, now I want to read it even more 😀 OwlCrate seems like a pretty cool box 🙂
Bec (@booktineus)
I think I need to try and get my hands on My Lady Jane. It sounds like so much fun!
Ali (@thebandarblog)
If you like those kinds of books you certainly will enjoy it (: