So I have finally finished Morning Star by Pierce Brown, the MOST FREAKING EPIC EVER conclusion to the Red Rising Series. I have been recommending this series since I read Red Rising, but now that I’ve officially concluded the story, I can say with 100% confidence THAT YOU NEED TO READ THIS SERIES ALREADY IN FACT WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS POST BECAUSE YOU SHOULD BE READING THE SERIES. Ahem, anyway. Continue reading to see nine extremely compelling reasons you need to board this LeechCraft train.

Series: Red Rising #3
Published by Del Rey on February 9th 2016
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction
Pages: 524
Format: Hardback
Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society’s mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart from within. Finally, the time has come.
But devotion to honor and hunger for vengeance run deep on both sides. Darrow and his comrades-in-arms face powerful enemies without scruple or mercy. Among them are some Darrow once considered friends. To win, Darrow will need to inspire those shackled in darkness to break their chains, unmake the world their cruel masters have built, and claim a destiny too long denied—and too glorious to surrender.
1. Yay, colors!
The world of Red Rising revolves around a color-coded caste system. First of all, how cool is that? Secondly, you get to figure out what color you’d be, and what reader doesn’t love to ignore their individuality by sorting themselves into a make-believe caste?? (For the record, I’m a yellow. And a Hufflepuff and Amity. I live in District 3.)
2. Dystopia, our favorite place to be!
Nothing better than reading about how awesomely crappy our world (or galaxy) is going to be in the future. Why do us humans always manage to ruin the cool, futuristic, fictional society that has been masterfully created? Even if you hate dystopian novels, don’t let this label deter you. It’s a dystopia of such epic proportions it deserves its own category. Dystopolis, perhaps?
3. Planets and spaceships galore.
I don’t care if you don’t like sci-fi. You should still read this series:
A) Because reading about the various planets and moons is awesome.
B) Because the impossibilities of what ships and the weapons perform in this world are epic.
C) Because even if you don’t understand half of the technical things about space and weaponry you’re reading (um, me), THIS SERIES WILL STILL BLOW YOUR MIND.
4. You deserve a little stress.
Is life a little slow? Perhaps you’re suffering from low blood pressure? Sick of hearing about boring, real life things? Bring some stress into your life and remind yourself what sitting on the edge of your seat and biting your nails to nubs feels like.
5. Feel the full spectrum of emotions.
This series will provide you with a good emotional cleansing. Smile, cry, shriek, laugh, cry, sob from happiness, feel the most intense anger you’ve ever felt toward an author, feel the most intense love you’ve ever felt toward an author, and cry some more. Then, when you’re done with the series, your emotions will have been reset and you’ll be ready to face the world as a normal human being again (except not really, because you’ll actually be suffering from the worst book hangover ever).
6. Live life unpredictably!
Why read books that are predictable when you can read books that take you on the most extreme roller coaster ride of plot twists that have ever existed? Hell, so long as you don’t read more than the back cover copy of Red Rising before you read the actual book, you don’t even know what the heck you’re getting yourself into! You think you’re on one trajectory and then 50 pages in the entire plot is changed. Talk about living life spontaneously.
7. The best characters ever.
Never before did I think I’d love a greasy, foul-tempered, murderous little goblin of a man as much as I love the one in this series. Or how about loving a mythic-beast-human of a man whose dialogue is so powerful that it gets to be bolded in the books. What about the characters that you get to hate? Ones you hate so badly their deaths make you run around the house giddy like a child. Or when their lack-of-deaths make you sear with the hatred of 1 million men toward Pierce Brown. Only excellent characters can bring out that sort of emotional intensity. And this series has got them in droves. And let’t forget the perfection that is Sophocles (when you read it, you’ll know).
8. Movies of epic proportions.
If I haven’t convinced you yet, let me play the movie card. Yes, this series is going to be made into movies. Yes, it’s going to be FREAKING AWESOME. Yes, Pierce Brown is working on the screenplay HIMSELF. And YES, you’re going to feel so freaking left out when the movies come out and you don’t know what a helldiver, razor, or HoloCam is, and you don’t even know the difference between gorydamn and bloodydamn. I mean, how embarrassing would that be?
9. Become a Howler.
Join the league of awesome (obviously) human beings who are obsessed with this series. Find your kindred spirits amongst the scores of fans of this fictional world. Enjoy the extreme fandom of the Red Rising Series when you squeal about all the amazing and epic happenings in these three perfect books. Become a Howler.
So have I convinced you yet? If not, you can see my review of Red Rising and Golden Son by clicking on their respective links. Did you read the Red Rising Trilogy? Have any other reasons to contribute to this list?!
START THE EPIC JOURNEY with Red Rising: Amazon. Barnes & Noble. The Book Depository.
You’ve read the first one? Need to read Golden Son now? Amazon. Barnes & Noble. The Book Depository.
So you only need to read Morning Star? Get on it! Amazon. Barnes & Noble. The Book Depository.

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
Hahaha okay okay! You’ve convinced me!!
(Although if I can’t sleep because I’m reading through the night I’m blaming you!)
Hahahahah I can’t wait for you to try the series out!! Let me know what you think when you get there!
You deserve a little stress???? Nooo I can’t deal haha! Definitely on my TBR – sounds like a good series 🙂
Hahah everyone needs more stress in their life, right? 😉
Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks
Okay, just when I needed a bit more convincing, you wrote the perfect post to push me over the edge. I need to buy these books soon, they sound so, SO good! You got me from point one, but with ALL THE EMOTIONS…Well I am IN for ALL THE emotions with this! 🙂
Yay!! I hope you love it when you read it!
Brittany's Book Rambles
This post is hilarious and awesome!! I definitely hope to read The Red Rising trilogy soon, I’ve heard amazing things about it and this post only made me want to read it more ^_^
Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
Well whenever you get around to it I hope you love it!!! 😄
Molly's Book Nook
Ok…how did I not know this book dealt with space? For some reason I thought this was a fantasy … like on earth….. WHAT HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS.
Ok, you convinced me. I’ll read it.
Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook
Lol. It’s always funny what our brains come up with prior to reading the books (like how I thought “The Serpent King” was about video games…. which couldn’t be further from the truth!).
I’ve been hearing a lot about Red Rising and I really wanna read it now! I love plot twists and the ones in this series better be good!
Oh my gosh you are not going to get better plot twists! I literally started sobbing from relief in one of the plot twists – I’ve NEVER done that in a book (cried from happiness). You get so invested, it’s crazy. I hope you enjoy it whenever you get to it!!
Lucia @Reading Is My Breathing
Proud Howler here! I love all your 9 reasons and 100% agree with them. I think I need to re-read whole trilogy very very soon 🙂 Also…cannot wait for Iron Gold!
Oh man, me too! Iron Gold is going to be so freaking awesome!! I need to re-read the series, too. Just so perfect.
I’m sold. I need to read it now! hahaha.. Great post!
Hahaha, I’m so glad! I secretly want everyone to read it! I think it’s freaking awesome! 😀
Esther @ Chapter Adventures
You did convince me!!! It sounds incredible and it’s so cool that the films are being made. I hope to read it before they are released!
You’ve got a lot of time, I’m sure (: It’s probably going to be a few years. So no excuses if you haven’t read them by the time the movie is out (;
HOLY FREAKING CRAP THERE ARE GOING TO BE MOVIES?!?!? that’s it. im dead. i am very officially dead.
Hahaha YASSSS! They’re going to be incredible, I can’t wait!
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[…] Ummmmm YES. This series is a dynamite vacation choice. See why you should read the series here. […]
may i ask where you got those gorgeous hardcovers with the coloured pages from?
The colored pages books are the Penguin Drops Caps collection! They’re gorgeous classics! (: And yay for another Red Rising fan! SOOO GOOD!!
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[…] First of all, if you haven’t read the Red Rising series, you need to click here to see why you should remedy that ASAP. […]
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