Amber from The Literary Phoenix threw some questions my way in the form of the “Unique Blogger Award,” which is basically an opportunity for bloggers to connect to each other. I haven’t participated in any of these “awards” in a while, but I figured it’d give you all the chance to get to know me outside of bookish things (GASP! yes, there is a me outside of books apparently). So read on to see her questions and my answers to them!
Who is your idol in life?
Yikes! This is a tough question. It’s a pretty cheesy answer, but I’d probably say my husband (as a fun aside, today is our 14th dating anniversary!). He’s incredibly smart, level-headed, and is easy-going. Basically all the things I’m not? So I aspire to be more like him every day. (The photo to the right is us at his graduation from physical therapy school!)
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The best part about being an adult is that I CAN go anywhere in the world!! I think the next place I’d like to visit is Japan (because cats and Disney’s Tokyo Sea, duh). And I’d like to visit eastern Europe. And Australian with my husband (I’ve been, he hasn’t). And ALL OVER the United States, because there are a ton of places I haven’t been to yet.
Tell me about your first pet.
She wasn’t necessarily my first pet, but she was one of my earliest pets. Her name was Tabitha and she was a pretty little black-and-white kitty. I’m pretty sure she’s half the reason I’m obsessed with fluffy cats now. I’ve included a hilarious picture of she and I when I was much younger. Needless to say, I don’t think she liked me as much as I like her…

Choose a question that you want to answer from above and let me know in the comment sections!

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
Aj @ Read All The Things!
Happy anniversary! That cat photo is hilarious. My childhood pets probably didn’t like me much, either.
Aj @ Read All The Things! just posted Mini Reviews: A Head Full Of Ghosts || Grief Is The Thing With Feathers
Hahaha typical. I imagine I thought my pets liked me a lot more than they did…
Aw, poor Tabitha! That picture is hilarious though. I like that you admire your husband so much – that’s great! And he sounds like a really great person too. That picture of you two is awesome. I didn’t used to be much of a travel person – planes still freak me out, etc. – but I’m starting to really want to visit more and more places, so we’ll see where I get to in the future!!
ShootingStarsMag just posted Currently: June 2018
well if you hate planes at least you can road trip!! XD
Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra
Happy 14th dating anniversary! I’d love to visit Japan too. That’s a bucket list trip for me.
Ha, that pic with the cat in the headlock is priceless! I’m pretty sure my cat would murder me if I tried that so maybe she really did love you very much, lol.
Hahahaha I’m pretty sure Tabitha wanted to murder me in that photo!
Jacalyn Thornton
My favorite photo of you. My favorite person for you to pick as your idol. (Congrats on the date anniversary!) I’m not sure about Japan, but I am sure you’re my favorite blogger.
Japan would be an amazing place to visit! And happy 14th anniversary to you guys! 🙂
Fun post.
Greg just posted Do You Search For Books?
Thank you Greg!
Amber @ The LIterary Phoenix
I love how proud you are of your husband and how he’s been the key feature of many of your instastories lately. 🙂 So many congrats to him and his graduation!!!!!! And happy anniversary. 🙂
The picture of you with Tabitha is DARLING. I only had braids when I was little because I’m allergic to dander… but now that I’m an adult… hugging cats is the BEST. XD
Thanks for doing this tag! 🙂 I love to learn more about my favorite bloggers! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Amber @ The LIterary Phoenix just posted The Mountain Book Tag
Amber @ The LIterary Phoenix
Birds. Only had birds.
I am winning typing this morning, lol. I’m trying to write a review in a different window and have misspelled about ten words in a row already. XD
Thank you Amber!! And LOL at “braids” instead of birds, I mean… braids are pets, too I guess? XD
Great photos, Ali! And I’d love to go to all those places, especially Japan, plus pretty much everywhere else in the world, haha.
Kel just posted How to Read the Unread Books You Own
hahahah me too!!
Happy belated anniversary!
If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be home to my family. Whenever I want. Unfortunately, being an adult in my case doesn’t mean I have the money to travel wherever and whenever I want, haha.
Maraia just posted [Roundup] May 2018
Hahahahah, well once you get the money you’ll get to experience the freedom of getting to go wherever!! XD