If you follow me on instagram, you know that I’m obsessed with bookish rainbows. I think they’re THE REASON that bookstagram should exist. So while there are SO MANY amazing photos to choose from, I decided to grab a bunch of different bookish rainbows to share with y’all. ENJOY!

And because, of course, I have to share my own bookish rainbow creation:
Find my bookstagram here!
Do you have a great bookish rainbow to share? Link me to your photo!!

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
THESE ARE SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING. I wish I could make my bookshelves look this nice.
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Hahah right??!
I love a bookish rainbow! Here’s one of mine 😉
So pretty!!! I love rainbow shelves!
Amber @ The LIterary Phoenix
Your bookish rainbows MAY OR MAY NOT be the reason I love your instagram so much. Though the NOLA pics last month gave you serious brownie points, too. 😉
These are gorgeous!
Amber @ The LIterary Phoenix just posted My Friend, Who Is An Author
hahahaha thanks so much amber (: (: (:
Ooh I really like your bookish rainbow. I think these are really fun photos, and I haven’t done one yet but I think it’s about time I try!
ShootingStarsMag just posted 3 Reasons to See The Incredibles 2 in Theaters
Yes, you absolutely must try! And then tag me so I can see!
Cora @ Tea Party Princess
I don’t think I have enough lgbt+ books to do a rainbow in pride month, but also my feed is black and white so (:
Cora | http://www.teapartyprincess.co.uk/
Cora @ Tea Party Princess just posted The Foyles Bookshop Girls by Elaine Roberts
Honestly, I’ve only done rainbows based on color of book and not taken into consideration of the content of the book. That’s super extra commitment! I don’t think I have enough of those books either!