Let’s all take a very deep breath, and get super excited that I’ve written a blog post finally it’s a new year AND new decade! I am OBSESSED with fresh starts, so 2020 is exciting for me.

I’m resolution crazy.

I don’t know about you, but I stinking LOVE resolutions. I make ’em and I (nearly always) stick to ’em. It makes me feel like a super hero control freak (…I love being in control).

So what’s happening this year?

2019 was super crazy: I was working like a fiend to build up our coffers so that we could move to Sacramento, which we did in May. Getting settled takes forever (6 months later and there are still boxes hidden away), and then throwing a wrench into everything, I got super intense about writing… and well, here we are–I’m hanging onto this blog by a thread.

You said you were going to talk about 2020…

Oh right.

So this year my goals are related to my bookish platform:

  1. Find more time for reading, even if that means audiobooks! Last year I think I picked up maybe 30 books… and probably 10 of them I DNF’d so… 20? I definitely need to up that this year.
  2. More blogging. My goal is to post something once weekly. 
  3. Dabble (just once and if I hate it, well fine) in YouTube-ing.
  4. Try to get back to some sort of regular instagramming.
Are you thinking these all seem sort of blah?

Well let me explain a bit more: my main goal for 2020 is to focus fully on the writer side of things. In order to do that, I need to focus (in addition to my writing) on my platform.

Which leads me to my final MOST IMPORTANT point:

I am re-branding!

I am going to transition all the platform stuff from strict book blogging to focus more on the author side of me (including a new website that is SO PRETTY and in the works RIGHT NOW!). My content isn’t going to change much (although I may talk about writing more than I used to), but you won’t see as much “the bandar blog” around. Instead, you’re going to see a lot more “A.S. Thornton.” Don’t be alarmed when the look of things starts to change! It’s still me, just being a wee bit more professional (hence why I included my super profesh headshot above).


Now tell me: What big plans do you have for 2020?