Have you ever had an idea for a novel that you couldn’t take very far? Whether it was a great character, beautiful setting, or compelling problem that inspired you, you couldn’t carry the story as far as you wanted, because you ran out of gas. I’ve been reading a lot of craft books lately, and I think I’ve found two that will help you get that tank filled right back up.
The past year I got completely obsessed with reading books about writing. Yes, I’m talking about reading books that teach you how to write. A few of them have been really stand-out, and I think I’ll probably re-read them every single time I write a novel. These two will allow me to get my story squared away so I don’t fumble around too much when I start writing it.
My current work-in-progress is a Eurydice/Orpheus retelling set in Ancient Egypt. Writing it IS SO MUCH FUN because, thanks to the following two books, I’ve done all the prep-work and now have an endless well of inspiration to draw from. I don’t pause in my writing to figure out what is going to come next, I KNOW what comes next, and the fun lies in how I’ll make it happen.
So, which two writing craft books?
Once you’ve got a character (even if it’s something as vague as it being a dude who works at a mall that is going to save the world), you need to read STORY GENIUS.

Published by Ten Speed Press on August 9, 2016
Pages: 288
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Following on the heels of Lisa Cron's breakout first book, Wired for Story, this writing guide reveals how to use cognitive storytelling strategies to build a scene-by-scene blueprint for a riveting story.
Story Genius is a foolproof program that saves writers from penning hundreds of pages only to realize that something's not working and they have to start again. Informed by story consultant Lisa Cron's science-based insights into how story structure is built into the architecture of the brain, this guide shows writers how to plumb the nitty-gritty details of their raw idea to organically generate a story scene by scene. Once writers reach the end of Cron's program, they will have both a blueprint that works and plenty of compelling writing suitable for their finished novel--allowing them to write forward with confidence.
STORY GENIUS is so, so wonderful in helping pinning down who your characters are. You’re forced to think more about your fictional character and their motives than you’ve probably thought about any real person (well, except maybe your child).
This book will help you set up the perfect foundation for your story. This will give you the meat of your novel. Once you’ve got a good handle on what your story is going to be, move on to the next book.

Published by Ten Speed Press on October 9, 2018
Pages: 320
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The first novel-writing guide from the best-selling Save the Cat! story-structure series, which reveals the 15 essential plot points needed to make any novel a success.
Novelist Jessica Brody presents a comprehensive story-structure guide for novelists that applies the famed Save the Cat! screenwriting methodology to the world of novel writing. Revealing the 15 "beats" (plot points) that comprise a successful story--from the opening image to the finale--this book lays out the Ten Story Genres (Monster in the House; Whydunit; Dude with a Problem) alongside quirky, original insights (Save the Cat; Shard of Glass) to help novelists craft a plot that will captivate--and a novel that will sell.
SAVE THE CAT! WRITES A NOVEL is the perfect quick read on story structure. You know you need twists and turns, but what sort of twists should they be? Where should you put them? That’s where this one comes into play.
This book also talks about types of stories and what ingredients are needed in eac. It’s the perfect way to hone in on and perfect your plot.
Once you’ve read those, you probably are just going to want to read more (that’s my problem). If that’s the case, let me know you’re suffering and I’ll be glad to pump you with more recommendations! If you’re lucky enough not to suffer from craft writing book addiction, get out your pen and paper (heh, yeah right, grab your laptop) and start writing!
What are some of your favorite craft writing books?

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
Ok, I don’t know if anyone else has had this question. I’m reading through both books, find them very helpful for different reasons. What I’m struggling with is figuring out how to marry the advice of the ticks leading up to the beginning of the novel as indicated in Story Genius with the Act 1 structure of Save the Cat. The way Lisa Cron explains them sounds, to me, like the beats in Act 1. Am I supposed to start my story right before the “break into act 2” point, and tell it in flashbacks? It’s just not making sense to me. Do you have advice?
A.S. Thornton
I don’t remember the specifics about the structure in each book, but definitely don’t start the story at the break into act 2 point (and then tell the rest in flashbacks) UNLESS you *want* to. I think it’s good to remember that YOU are writing this story, so you need to write it how it feels right for you. These books are just guidelines to help you along the way if you find you’re stuck. Good luck!