Would you believe that I’m almost 30 and that up until now I had never read Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery? It’s almost blasphemous! It was on my list of classics books to read some time in the near future, so when the girls over at Pages Unbound decided to do a Anne of Green Gables Read-Along, I decided it was time to jump on the band wagon.

Series: Anne of Green Gables #1
Published by Signet on May 6th 2003
Genres: Children's Classic, Classic Literature
Narrator: Laurie Klein
Length: 10 hours, 55 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Everyone's favorite redhead, the spunky Anne Shirley, begins her adventures at Green Gables, a farm outside Avonlea, Prince Edward Island. When the freckled girl realizes that the elderly Cuthberts wanted to adopt a boy instead, she begins to try to win them and, consequently, the reader, over.
For those of you who have never read the book nor seen any of the movies, the story is about an adult brother and sister (Matthew and Marilla) living on a farm in Avonlea on Prince Edward Island. They decide they want to adopt a young boy to help them with the household work as they get older, but by mistake they are sent a young girl, Anne Shirley.
Guys, this book was PERFECTION in my mind. I loved everything about it. Below, I’ve detailed just a few of my favorite things (yes, I intentionally dropped a lyric from The Sound of Music):
- I listened to the audiobook narrated by Laurin Klein and she was 1000000% MOST PERFECT FOR THIS BOOK. I am certain I liked listening this book way more than I would liked reading it. Her voices for Anna, Matthew and Marilla could not have been better.
- Matthew and Marilla’s relationship with Anne was also perfection and will make your stone-cold heart melt into a lovey-dovey puddle.
- Anne is the most dramatic creature ever, and it results in some genuine hilarity (for example: When she has to say “goodbye” to Diana after the raspberry cordial incident. I WAS DYING.). She is just tragic when something “horrible” happens to her, and my goodness it is SO entertaining. (Another favorite tragedy: the whole cake incident with the wrong ingredient.)
- Anne is also insightful in a way that a precocious child is insightful, and it, too, is endless amusing. Her opinions on various topics and her excuses as to why things have been done in certain ways are spot on. I imagine any parent who reads this novel sees a very familiar child in Anne.
- I smiled so much when reading this book. I think the audiobook was ten-ish hours. I probably smiled for nine and a half of them. And if there’s any reason to read it, it’s that.
If you have not read Anne of Green Gables yet, I think you need to stop what you’re doing and go start it. Or, just get the audiobook and listen to it while running your errands today!
Did you love Anne as much as I did? What were some of your favorite scenes?
I have heard the movie is also wonderful, and I plan to see it soon. How does the movie compare to the book if you’ve experienced both?
Get the Puffin in Bloom (blue) edition: Amazon. Barnes & Noble. The Book Depository.
Get the Puffin clothbound (pink) edition: Amazon. The Book Depository.

A. S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger (at “the bandar blog”) to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available now wherever books are sold.
I’m sitting here mystified because for some reason I thought Matthew and Marilla were married. They’re siblings!? What the heck. Not that it changes much, but I just thought they were married all this time. Ew, weird.
Also, I love your review. Anne’s drama is my favorite part of the book. She’s hilarious when she’s being dramatic and I just love her.
I’ve never seen the movie. Have you?
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Hahahaha. Since you probably read it when you were younger the fact that they were siblings wouldn’t stand out to you much, but reading it as an adult, I was like, WTF? Why are 60-year-old siblings living together?! What sort of sad life did they lead that caused them to end up here??
I haven’t seen the movie. People are telling me it’s great, so obviously we must see it!
Carlisa (@carlisajc)
Here’s the thing—I didn’t read it when I was young. I read it last year…when I was 20. And for some reason I still thought they were married. Bah. I don’t know how I missed it.
Were they ever married, or are they just two siblings who never married so they decided to live together?
Anyway, I’ve heard the same thing about the movie. Apparently the actress who plays Anne is *perfect* for the role.
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Hahaha well I guess you don’t have an excuse! I don’t think they were married- at least they never mentioned it in this book.
This is hilarious because whenever I summarize the book I wonder if I should specify that the Cuthberts are siblings, not married! Anyway, it’s mentioned that Marilla once had a thing for Gilbert Blythe’s father, but they let a quarrel come between them and they never made it up. Matthew was just too afraid of women to ever think of speaking to one much let court one. So I assume the farm wrny to Matthew because he was the man of the family, and then Marilla wasn’t married so she just stayed with him and kept house since she wouldn’t really have had any other options.
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Yes I think that sounds like logical reasoning! Haha makes it less weird!
I haven’t read it either!! But I just got it so I will!!
Ali (@thebandarblog)
So glad I’m not the only adult who missed out on this childhood gem! I hope you love it as much as I did!
Me too! I’m reading The Secret Garden with my daughter right now, this one might be next on the list ?
Lost In A Good Book
I love this book. The whole series is great! You’ll really like the movie. The girl they got to play Anne is perfect.
Ali (@thebandarblog)
I’m so excited to see it! I’m currently just figuring out where I can get access to it without having to buy the DVD!
🙂 Love Anne!! LM Montgomery has such a way with words! And the miniseries is really well done. Some changes, but nothing too out of place. The actors are wonderful!
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Good to know about the miniseries! I am excited 😀
Resh Susan @ The Book Satchel
Anne Shirley is one of my favourite characters. i used to imagine that she is me
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Haha. She’s great! I don’t think I could ever delude myself into thinking I’m like Anne- she’s way too positive and sweet!
What beautiful editions! Like Little Women, I haven’t read Anne of Green Gables, but I loved the films as a child. With covers that pretty I might just have to get myself a copy!
“Dramatic” is a good word for her, but also strangely endearing. 😀
I had an audiobook version (with Megan Follows reading), but it’s on cassette! So that’s kind of pointless. :p It’s also abridged, which has always disappointed me.
I just had to tell you that your photos for this are wonderful. They’re so very Anne-ish! She would definitely approve. 😀
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Thank you!
That was such a lovely review! I feel like reading the book now, it’s always nice when a book keeps making you smile 🙂
Ali (@thebandarblog)
Thank you! And you should definitely read it some time if you haven’t before. It’s just a very happy and positive book with lots of opportunities for laughing throughout (:
Cait @ Paper Fury
I honestly can’t remember if I’ve read this or not…ISN’T THAT AWFUL?!?! XD I am like 89% sure I listened to the audiobook like…omg, maybe 8 years ago or something?! I THINK. I distinctly remember the raspberry cordial but I don’t remember a single other scene. So odd. Ahem. I would like to try it again! SOMEDAY. And omg that edition you have is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. I would buy it just for the pretty!!
Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!
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