There’s a reason that Bram Stoker’s Dracula is considered the original vampire story, the vampire story that has been recreated a million times, and the vampire story that is still being reprinted and still sold in bookstores: IT’S SO GOOD. If you haven’t read Dracula yet, it’s high time that you do.

Published by W.W. Norton & Company on May 12th 1986
Genres: Horror
Pages: 488
The most famous of seductive evil in Western Literature, blood-thirsty Count Dracula has inspired countless movies, books, and plays. But, few, if any, have been fully to Bram Stoker's best-selling novel of mystery and horror, love and death, sin and redemption.
Written in the form of letters and diary entries, Dracula chronicles the vampire's journey from his Transylvanian castle to the nighttime streets of London. There, he searches for the blood he needs to stay alive - the blood of strong men and beautiful women - while his enemies plot to rid the world of his frightful power.
In Dracula, Stoker created a new word for terror, a new myth to feed our nightmares, and a character who will undoubtedly outlive us all.
This isn’t going to be your classic book review, because thousands of people have reviewed Dracula way better than I could. What I’m going to do is try to convince you to give it a try. Here are my reasons:
It’s freaking scary.
I remember reading this book in my bedroom when I was in high school and being completely terrified. I had to leave my room and go sit in the living room with my parents, because I was afraid Dracula was going to crawl into my room through my window and suck my blood. Bram Stoker’s details in the novel are so much creepier than most of vampire stories we read today.
Take a dash of sex and mix it with gore, mystery, murder, and a fog-shrouded castle, and you’ve got yourself the recipe for Dracula.
The story is truly excellent.
When I was little I didn’t read any books (GASP!) other than the Harry Potter series. When I decided I wanted to be a reader (yes, I literally just decided this one day), I picked up Dracula first. A lot of people have books that turned them into readers, Dracula was mine. It made me appreciate how powerful a good story could be. It’s especially important to mention how good this story is, because it isn’t your traditional narrative. It’s told through letters and diary entries. How can a chopped up narrative come together so well? I HAVE NO IDEA, but it works.
Don’t you want to be in the know?
If you haven’t read Dracula you have no idea where our entire concept of modern vampires has stemmed from. Don’t you want to know the real Jonathan Harker, Lucy, Mina, Van Helsing, and Renfield. Don’t you?!
Have you read Dracula before? Did you love it (the only answer available to you is yes)? If you haven’t read it, did I convince you?
If you want to win a copy of Dracula, I’d recommend entering to win my bookish halloween box. Why? Because (spoiler) it contains that beautiful red copy of Dracula pictured at the top of this post!

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
Great post! I’ve never read Dracula and didn’t know I’d want to until I just read your post. You’ve convinced me, I’d love to read a classic scary story especially this time of year. Entering your giveaway for sure
Yay!! Yes, it’s so much better than you’d think. I don’t know if you’ve read Frankenstein, but that one is more of your typical “classic” horror story – it’s more cerebral and less straight-up scary! Dracula is scary! And so much fun! If you read it, I hope you love it!
I put it on hold at my library today! Still hope I win your giveaway though:) I love your blog and review style by the way. Your blog design and colors just “pop” if that makes sense:) I will definitely let you know my thoughts when I finish it. This is what makes blogging so fun, coming across books that I would’ve missed!
Emily | RoseRead
Nice! I love hearing about which books turned people into readers. Dracula is excellent – I read it for the first time last year. It’s definitely chilling! Have you read “The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova? It’s kind-of a spin-off thriller about Dracula and it is AMAZING. Highly recommend.
I did read that! I read it almost 10 years ago, though, so I don’t remember much. I do remember loving it!
Novels And Nonfiction
One of my main memories of being scared as a child is from watching the ads (yes, just the ads) on TV from the movie IT. I never actually watched the movie, the ads were enough for me. I think your review convinced me to finally pick up Dracula – I was somehow assuming it would not be that scary but I guess I was wrong 🙂
Yeah, I assumed the same when I decided to read it. I didn’t expect to be as thrilling as it was!!
I love classics and Dracula is one of my favourites too. It’s brutal. I think because readers are more sensitive and we’re aware of violent triggers now so books seem to be a little more censored. That red cover edition is absolutely gorgeous! Wonderful review Ali, I think you’ll convince so many new readers to pick up a classic horror and read it for themselves <3
Thanks Kelly! Means a lot coming from you (: And thank you for stopping by!
Annie Marie
spines in a line
I have to say, I prefer Frankenstein but Dracula wasn’t bad. Definitely better than the movie!
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