Give me a slow-burn, forbidden love story, and it could be about two literal pieces of garbage and I’D BE ALL OVER IT. I don’t know what it is, but that is my jam to the max. For those of you who feel like reading about love during this most romantic time of year, read on to see my compilation of a swoon-worthy love story for every genre.
If you like a little sci-fi with your romance tryĀ The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
I read this one forever ago, and I am not ashamed to say that I loved it! Such a fun story and definitely a fun romance.
If you prefer your love stories tossed with a little horror, tryĀ Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion.
The level of obsessed I was/am with this movie and book is probably more than I should share. When this movie came out I not only saw it a gazillion times in theaters, but I listened to the soundtrack nonstop for the entire month, and then, of course, I devoured the book. I have NO CLUE why a love story between a human and a zombie appealed to me, but it did, and I WISH THERE WAS MORE!
If you prefer to stick to a classic tale of love you should readĀ Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
This is probably my favorite classic (and I’m sure the fact that it’s a love story contributes greatly to it’s #1 spot).
If you like your love stories set in a world of magical realism, then you should definitely read Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance by Ruth Emmie Lang.
I was surprised by how much this story captured my heart (especially since I’m not usually a fan of magical realism). Read my review here!
If you want your love story to be set in a soul-crushing historical time, then you must read The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons.
This book remains one of my favorite books and is DEFINITELY one of my favorite love stories of all time. It KILLED ME when I read it in 2016 and I still find myself forcing it on people two years later! Read my review of it here!

What love story do you recommend? Or, if you hate love stories, what Valentine’s Day read would you recommend?

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
Oh fun post! I have not read any of these, I have to admit. haha Hmm…I do love a good love story, and slow burn romances are kind of awesome. I’m not sure I have a TOP favorite though.
ShootingStarsMag just posted Explore Chicago with The Ambrose Deception by Emily Ecton
Slow burn romances are the best!
I am not a big romance reader but I really love slow burn romances. The Others by Anne Bishop has such a great slow burn. <3
Annemieke just posted TTT #128 ā Best Fantasy Books to Read for Valentineās Day ā„
Ooooh good to know!! I’m so adding this to my TBR right now.
Melanie, The Eclectic Little Dork
Awesome post! Speaking of classics, I’m ALWAYS telling people that they should read Pride & Prejudice and am quite disgruntled when they refuse. I may be a Scifi, Fantasy, and Horror Junk(TM Pending) but I it is at the top of my favorites lists just above Octavia Butler’s work and Tolkien’s work respectively.
It has melodrama, it has family dynamics and familial love, it has romantic and platonic love! I get why people may not be able to get into the more distant writing style but it really does fulfill the requirement many have that a book not be just about the capital-R Romance. And that people refuse to acknowledge that really just makes me sad.
Melanie, The Eclectic Little Dork
ETA: I should add that people refusing to read the classics, in general, makes me sad because the world of classics is vast. So many genres and cultures to explore and people just refuse to think of classics as anything but books by stuffy old White guys, even when they know better.
Melanie, The Eclectic Little Dork just posted January 2018: A Monthly Update
Yes, it is a bummer, especially since they’re not all created equal. I have some classics I love and some I hate – just like modern books! No one should write off an entire group of books just because they have a reputation (:
P&P is a great one!! I actually love the romance in it – that’s more my pace š
Jane Eyre is so good!
Akaleistar just posted Are LuLaRoe Leggings worth it? My thoughts after 3 pairs…
It so is! I adore the love story in it!