As I mentioned in my December wrap-up post, I love New Year resolutions. So while, of course, I have a bunch of personal resolutions, I have to have blogging and bookish resolutions, too! These are not something that I decide on lightly. When I make a resolution, I will go pretty damn far to ensure that I accomplish it. So after a TON of thought, these are what I’ve come up with for 2018.

First, let me reflect on my resolutions for 2017:

  1. “Blog a little less.” FAILED. In fact, after I talked about posting less, I ended up posting more. Ugh.
  2. “Read more classics!” YAY! Mission accomplished! See the classics I’ve read and reviewed here.
  3. “Read more advanced copies… I’m shooting small: maybe 5-10?” YAY! I definitely read 5-10. I don’t know how many exactly, but mission accomplished!

Now, my bookish Resolutions of 2018:

  1. Read less. GASP! I know this one may be somewhat surprising. I really want to take more time to write next year. I have so many ideas and not enough time! So I’m hoping I’ll finish up one novel I’m working on next year and get at least some work done on another one.
  2. Continue to read at least one ARC (advanced copy) and one classic per month. 

And my blogging resolutions:

  1. Share more upcoming releases with you. I used to think that I had to have read the book in order to talk about it. I need to remember that just showing you guys some great upcoming novels can be really helpful to those of you looking to add to your TBRs.
  2. Share more links I’ve loved! I follow a lot of awesome blogs, and I want to share some of the great posts I read with you on a regular basis.

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you have any bookish ones?