I really do feel like I’m confessing something here, guys. I’ve been writing semi-consistently for the past 2 years or so, but I haven’t really spoken much about it up until the past few months. I’ve dropped tidbits here and there on the blog, on twitter, and occasionally on Instagram, so if you’ve caught wind of my writing on any of those platforms, bravo! You’re a true follower!

I used to think that in order to call myself “a writer,” I had to be published or had to be actively querying agents or had to earn some sort of income from the writing. But recently, since I’ve completed the fantasy novel I’d been working on, my idea of what a writer is has changed. I have learned that I was so very wrong. 

Writing has HANDS DOWN been one of the best personal decisions I have ever made. I mean, imagine getting to read your absolute favorite novel FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS. Imagine getting to live in your favorite book and understanding your favorite characters so well, you know their lives outside of the story of your novel.  GUYS, IT IS THE COOLES THING. And no matter what happens with my novel (which, let’s be honest has a 99.999% chance of going NOWHERE), I am so glad I decided to write it.

And it was when I realized how much I loved writing my novel that I realized that I am a writer.

a) I am a writer because I’ve written words on a page to tell a story that is completely my own creation.
b) I am a writer because when I’m carrying on with my day, my characters’ stories are churning through my head. So much so that periodically I have to stop and jot something down.
c) I am a writer because I LOVE telling stories.

So there. I’ve confessed it. I’m a writer and so very excited about it!

What makes someone a writer to you? Do you enjoy writing?