As a self-proclaimed bibliophile, I often get asked for book recommendations. While I loooooveeee having any excuse to talk about great books with people, this question is actually difficult and causes me quite a bit of stress. There’s a lot of pressure to choose one perfect book. God forbid I choose a book that someone doesn’t like —Ā I’ll be discredited as a book nerd for the rest of that person’s life. And we absolutely can’t have that.
When someone comes up to me and says, “I’m not much of a reader, what book do you recommend?” I want to LOL. Or occasionally I’ll get messages on social media or through my contact form on this blog asking for “a recommendation.” It’s like, I’m sorry – WHAT?
Asking me to choose a book for you is almost the same as me pulling a random book at a bookstore! I NEED A TAD BIT MORE INFORMATION, FRIEND.Ā
What genres do you like?
What’s your favorite book?
What’s the last book that you read?
Do you like long books or short books?
What’s your favorite movie?
THE QUESTIONS GO ON AND ON. And it’s from the answers of those questions that I’ll be able to come up with a recommendation that has a slightly better chance at succeeding (…and proving that I’m not totally worthless when it comes to book recommendations).Ā
If I don’t know you, I’m not going to be able to come up with a book rec, because there is not one perfect book that I can recommend to people!Ā
Or is there?Ā
Is thereĀ one book that you always recommend to people, regardless of who asks? I would love to know what your ONE recommendation would be. Or are you like me and tailor your recommendation to the person who is asking?

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels strongly about this. I get quite annoyed when someone asks me for a recommendation without any follow up information. If they don’t answer my questions or provide very little details about their likes/dislikes, I typically just recommend they read one of The Best American Short Stories anthologies (and then come back to me with their more developed likes/dislikes ;)).
Oh good, I’m glad that it bugs you, too! It’s like, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MANY BOOKS EXIST?! I love your answer. Maybe I’ll start doing that when they say they don’t know what their interests are XD
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I recently had someone ask me if there are any good books that have come out recently. My response was āUm . . . what?!ā There are always good books coming out.
Aj @ Read All The Things! just posted Review: The Dumb House ā John Burnside
Right?! Do people realize there are MILLIONS of books in the world? I feel so overwhelmed when people ask me broad questions like that. The same goes for, “Read anything good lately?” My brain can’t formulate an answer! I think it’s partly a function of the fact that we’re in the blogging world and see how many different opinions can exist for one book. I know before I started blogging I’d be able to rattle off recommendations for anyone, but now I realize that not every book is for everyone, so it needs to be tailored!
the Thirteenth take or A Man Called ove
Gah! I loved A Man Called Ove. I have had The Thirteenth Tale on my TBR FOREVER, but I haven’t read it yet! Maybe I’ll make a point to read it this year!
Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books
I so feel you on this!! It’s so hard to recommend books sometimes, especially to non-readers. Usually my friends want Adult recs and I don’t read a lot of Adult, so I’m always at a loss as to what to say & then I feel like a fraud because they think I’m the BOOK GIRL.
For my friends that don’t read a lot, I usually go for books I know are about to be made into movies because then they feel like they are reading something BEFORE it gets hyped.
Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books just posted Top Ten Tuesday– Books I’m No Longer Interested In
That’s a good strategy for friends that don’t read a lot! Plus then you know the masses loved the book if they’re making a movie of it.
When my friends say they like reading things that I don’t read, I always direct them to a blogger who reads more of that XD Especially thrillers- I don’t really read them, but there are a lot of great bloggers that do!
Oh gosh, this question stresses me out SO MUCH. haha I don’t think there IS one perfect book for everyone, so I definitely need more details to go off of, and then I’m still nervous the person is going to read it and hate it. LOL
ShootingStarsMag just posted Guest Post: DIY Cleaning Products that Actually Work
Hahaha, I’m the exact same way! And then we lose ALL CREDIBILITY as bookish people *sobs*
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
Oooh this is such a dreaded question for me! Because EXACTLY, I don’t know people’s preferences unless they tell me! My brother’s girlfriend kept begging me for a recommendation, but I had no idea what she liked- and here’s the kicker- neither did she! So I just brought her a stack of a bunch of genres and age ranges and hoped for the best haha.
If I *had* to pick a book to recommend to people, without knowing them, it would be The Hunger Games. But also, a lot of people have already read that. So I think my next go-to would probably be The Serpent King, or maybe Scythe, though I have no idea if others would like them, I just know I do š
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight just posted Book Culling: The Process
Hahah, hopefully the girlfriend liked one of those. If not, it’s her fault for not allowing you to narrow it down!
I loved the Serpent King! And you know what, I’ve heard a million good things about Scythe, I think I need to read it already.
STK: To Kill a Mockingbird and All Quiet On the Western Front. Insight as to the human condition and well -written.
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