The “special snowflake” trope is one that we are faced with repeatedly as readers. It’s when the main character has somethingĀ extra special and unique about them. For instance, Harry Potter has that connection to Lord Voldemort and is “the boy who lived.” Oftentimes this trope is complained about, soĀ I am stepping up to defend it.

What’s the point of most stories?Ā 

If you go back back back back back to when stories were first told and written, they were usually told because something spectacular happened in them or someone spectacular was a part of them. I mean, think of the freaking Bible. Jesus is quite a special snowflake, don’t you think?

We don’t want to read a story about how Average Joe went to the grocery store and then went home. Why would there be a story about him? He doesn’t warrant one.

Special Snowflake Joe warrants a story being told about him, because Special Snowflake Joe goes to the grocery store, trips on some bread, then discovers he has magical powers that allow him to alter the world around him. This newĀ power prevented him from falling. Then his story unravels and ultimately he saves the world.

I get that it gets old…

I know that sometimes it just isn’t done well or it just feels like a tired trope. But keep in mind that at the end of the day, Special Snowflakes are what stories are made of!


What are you thoughts on this trope? What are some of your favorite/least favorite tropes?