Michelle over at Musings of a Writer is talking about her favorite horror novel, Misery by Stephen King. Read on to what she has to say about it!
Misery by Stephen King
Published by New English Library on November 1st 1988
Genres: Horror
Pages: 370
Paul Sheldon is a bestselling novelist who has finally met his biggest fan. Her name is Annie Wilkes and she is more than a rabid reader - she is Paul's nurse, tending his shattered body after an automobile accident. But she is also his captor, keeping him prisoner in her isolated house.
When I think of scary stories, it’s no surprise the first author that comes to mind is Stephen King. He’s easily my favourite horror writer and if given the chance, I will impulsively buy anything he writes. My King library has gotten pretty extensive at this point. But I think my favourite Stephen King book has got to be Misery.
For those of you who haven’t already read this classic tale of horror, or watched the film starring Kathy Bates, Misery tells the story of an author, Paul Sheldon, who gets into a car accident, and one woman, Anne Wilkes, pulls him into her home to nurse him back to health. Sounds pretty un-scary, right? Except Annie is Paul Sheldon’s number one fan, and she is determined to keep him in pain until he writes the next book in his series exactly the way she wants. And even then, there’s no guarantee that she’ll let him leave her house alive.
The reason I love King so much is because of stories like these – ones that aren’t outright gorey or full of monsters, but get extremely psychological. There are scenes in this book that made me physically cringe away from the page because of how creepy Annie was being. There are certain scenes at the end of the story that made me gasp and then gave me nightmares for a week after I’d finished the book.
King is king when it comes to writing description passages, and he is especially good at getting inside your head. If you’ve just watched the movies based on his books, I’d say you’re missing out. You’re getting the story, but not getting how good of a writer he is. Misery is definitely my favourite eerie tale, but I also recommend The Long Walk or Gerald’s Game to those who are looking for other psychological thrillers.
Thoughts, guys? Personally, I read this review and I decided I needed to read this book ASAP. How wonderfully creepy does it sound!?

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
This was definitely the scariest book that I ever read. At one point I remember covering my eyes like you would if you were watching a scary movie lol!!😂
Hahaha I love reading scary books like that! They’re the best.
Jenn Z
Great review! I also really love that psychological element to his writing, which is probably why I love the Bill Hodges’ trilogy so much! Finders Keepers was one of my favorite reads last year!
I haven’t heard of Finders Keepers! I will have to look into it ASAP! Good luck on the giveaway 😀 There’s also a bookish halloween box giveaway right now, too, if you’re interested! (Link on the main page)
I haven’t read any books from Stephen King and I also don’t own any of his books. I know right? So I think this is perfect for me. 🙂 Thanks for this chance.
You’re welcome! And don’t feel ashamed – I only have read one and it was when I was 13, lol. My adult self hasn’t gotten around to it yet!
Oh. I’m relieved now. 😀 Hopefully I can read at least this year.
I still haven’t read this book yet…but I have seen the movie. It’s always been one of those books that I felt like I absolutely HAD to read!
I didn’t realize they had made a movie of this (but of course! I should have known). I should see it! Though I should probably read the book first…
Single Vegas Girl
I’ve never even heard of this book! Of course I’ve heard of Stephen King though but it surely sounds interesting! Every author’s worst nightmare basically, right? (:
Single Vegas Girl
I hadn’t heard of it either! Stephen King has so many stinking books, it’s hard to keep up!
Hi! 🙂 thanks for the chance. I never really read horror books and I think it would be great if I will start with this.
You’re welcome! Good luck on the giveaway (:
I read this book years ago and loved it. Of course I’m a huge SK fan! ( Though he does have several books out that I haven’t read yet plus I don’t own any of his books – I’m a big library user)
This book is a must read!
Thanks for this giveaway!
you’re welcome! Good luck!