This April started off with a bang: trip to Cancun, one-year bloggiversary, and a couple of really excellent books. It sort of ended with a pathetic little whimper, but that’s okay. We’re on to May, and I am ready for summer heat!
One-Year Bloggiversary Giveaway!
In case you missed it, I celebrated my one-year on the blog this month! I’m doing a fun book box subscription giveaway, so be sure to check it out here!
April Book Reviews
- [5 Apr] Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple ★★★
- [11 Apr] Matilda by Roald Dahl ★★★★★
- [13 Apr] The Summer Garden by Paullina Simons ★★★★★
- [21 Apr] A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas ★★★★★
Miscellaneous April Posts
- [3 Apr] It’s Monday. What are you reading?
- [8 Apr] 6 Bookish Worlds I’d Like to Vacation In
- [15 Apr] One Year Bloggiversary: The Things I’ve Learned
- [28 Apr] 5 Perfect Vacation Books
- [30 Apr] April Wrap-Up: Happy 1-year Bloggiversary To Me!
April’s Best of Bookstagram
Find me on bookstagram here!
How was April for you? What was your favorite book you read?

A.S. Thornton has evolved from book blogger to author with a particular fondness for writing forbidden love in ancient deserts. When not writing, she’s caring for dogs and cats as a veterinarian. You’ll never find animals at the center of her writing, though, because those fictional worlds don’t have veterinarians and her literal brain can’t accept that the poor critters would be without parasite prevention. Thornton’s debut, DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING is available wherever books are sold.
Ooh, I love the Winnie the Pooh photo!
Happy blogiversary, Ali! My April was alright. I’m still adjusting to living in a foreign country, but at least I’m eating well in the meantime. 😂 My favorite books in April were Everything All At Once, The Hate U Give, and Final Girls.
I’ve heard a million good things about THUG! I will have to pick it up soon. You live in Germany, right? When did you move? Why did you move? You’re originally from the States, right? Sorry to get all pry-ish. Your story just interests me (: Don’t answer whatever you’re not comfortable answering!
It really does live up to the hype! It’s such an important book.
Haha, I don’t mind at all. 🙂 Yep, I’ve been in Germany since the beginning of March, but I’m from Michigan. I moved because I met a guy through his book blog and Bookish Games (not sure if you ever saw that? It was run by Oh, The Books!). We finally met in person last summer, at which point we confessed our feelings for each other and planned our future together. xD I have dual citizenship, so it was easier for me to move. It’s still a huge adjustment, though, and I definitely wouldn’t have moved for anything else, lol.
WHAT! What a bookish love story! This is so lovely (: I feel like it could be a Rainbow Rowell novel. What part of Germany are you in?
Haha, it still doesn’t feel real sometimes. It’s definitely more like a book. 🙂
I’m close-ish to Cologne. Are you familiar with Germany?
A little bit! I’ve been there a couple of times. I hosted a German foreign exchange student from Munster, and we stayed with her there for a week. We’ve also visited a few other big cities there 😀 Lovely country!
April was a whirl wind! April is traditionally a month we vacation in (for my birthday), but my boss also vacationed so leading up to my vacation I was back up for our surgical intern… AND my partner and I are preparing to sell our house! Thank goodness for long flights to allow reading time! ;D
April has also been when I have discovered the world of bookstagram and related book blogging… which has really added to my TBR list ;D
My favourite book I read in April would probably have to be “Year of Yes” – it has just really fired me up to be more focused and motivated upon return home!
(If I ever get there… Flight has been delayed three times already :'( )
I hope you are going on your vacation now! And I hope you’re getting a lot of good reading done 😀 Sucks that you were super busy this past month XD I hate drowning in work! Hahah and welcome to the dangers of bookstagram- OMG that is the most addicted crap there is for me. It’s like porn for bookish folk 😀
Ohhh happy bloggiversary, Ali! This is so great, I hope you’ll keep on blogging and loving it for a long, long time 🙂
My April was okay, a bit up and down month but mostly okay – and my favorite book of the month probably was 180 seconds by Jessica Park 🙂